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League of LegendseXperience League - XP-Beta Turnier Day 2

Embed these Brackets

Best of 1

508001 Germany TeamToupetHanyaTeamToupet 0

507855 Germany dis UdyrKayelGeedis Udyr 1

507991 Germany myRevengemyR BeAggromyRevenge 0

Match 2

507987 Germany teamKRImamototeamKR 0

507997 Germany LowBoBsOwnyaLowBoBs 0

Match 3

507853 Germany Real CRAZY GuysCRAZY AnieLReal CRAZY Guys 0

508083 Germany gorgeous NightmaregN Fetischistgorgeous Nightmare 0

Match 4

507999 Germany Grazed InfernosFZ HenneGrazed Infernos 0

Best of 1

507855 Germany dis UdyrKayelGeedis Udyr 0

Match 5

0 -

0 -

Match 6

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 7

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Round 1
Best of 1

508001 Germany TeamToupetHanyaTeamToupet 0

Match 8

0 Loser of Match 2 -

0 Loser of Match 3 -

Match 9

0 Loser of Match 4 -

Round 2
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 6 -

Match 10

0 -

0 Loser of Match 5 -

Match 11

0 -

Round 3
Best of 1

0 -

Match 12

0 -

Round 4
Best of 1

0 Loser of Match 7 -

Match 13

0 -

Round 5
Best of 1

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Match 14

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

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