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GSL Whirlwind
Best of 3

1004465 1 0 Germany AnubisAnubis 00

1002664 1 0 Luxembourg SkySky 20

1001887 1 0 Germany SplattoSplatto.257Splatto 00

1001675 1 0 Germany FallouTFallouT 20

1001776 1 0 Germany AscarAscar 00

1002106 1 0 Germany sCuMBaGsCuMBaG.648sCuMBaG 20

1002044 1 0 Germany yozyoz.190yoz 20

1002030 1 0 Germany NeikiNeiki 00

Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1002664 1 1 Luxembourg SkySky 20

1001675 1 1 Germany FallouTFallouT 00

1002106 1 1 Germany sCuMBaGsCuMBaG.648sCuMBaG 00

1002044 1 1 Germany yozyoz.190yoz 20

Bel'Shir Vestige
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1002664 1 2 Luxembourg SkySky 20

1002044 1 2 Germany yozyoz.190yoz 10

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1002664 1 3 Luxembourg SkySky -

GSL Whirlwind
Best of 3

1004465 2 0 Germany AnubisAnubis 20

1001887 2 0 Germany SplattoSplatto.257Splatto 00

1001776 2 0 Germany AscarAscar 00

1002030 2 0 Germany NeikiNeiki 20

Round 2
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1002106 2 1 Germany sCuMBaGsCuMBaG.648sCuMBaG 00

Match 10
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Spoiler Free 1004465 2 1 Germany AnubisAnubis 20

Spoiler Free 1001675 2 1 Germany FallouTFallouT 10

Match 11
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1002030 2 1 Germany NeikiNeiki 20

Bel'Shir Vestige
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1004465 2 2 Germany AnubisAnubis 20

Match 12
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1002030 2 2 Germany NeikiNeiki 00

Derelict Watcher TE
Best of 3

Spoiler Free 1002044 2 3 Germany yozyoz.190yoz 00

Match 13
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Spoiler Free 1004465 2 3 Germany AnubisAnubis 20

Round 5
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1004465 2 4 Germany AnubisAnubis -

Neo Planet S LE
Best of 5

Spoiler Free 1002664 3 0 Luxembourg SkySky 0

Match 14

Spoiler Free 1004465 3 0 Germany AnubisAnubis 0

Derelict Watcher TE
Best of 3

0 -