Embed these Brackets

Best of 1

2087643 1 0 U. New Mexico (6395)U. New Mexico (6395) 0

Match 1

2087658 1 0 U. Saskatchewan (4580)U. Saskatchewan (4580) 0

2087648 1 0 Georgia Tech (4481)Georgia Tech (4481) 0

Match 2

2087653 1 0 Virginia Tech (3467)Virginia Tech (3467) 0

2087647 1 0 U. South Alabama (2479)U. South Alabama (2479) 0

Match 3

2087654 1 0 Rhode Island CC (4877)Rhode Island CC (4877) 0

2087644 1 0 UT Austin (9202)UT Austin (9202) 0

Match 4

2087657 1 0 Western (1962)Western (1962) 0

2087651 1 0 Rutgers (4797)Rutgers (4797) 0

Match 5

2087650 1 0 U. Georgia (6472)U. Georgia (6472) 0

2087656 1 0 Berklee (2120)Berklee (2120) 0

Match 6

2087645 1 0 Harvey Mudd (1854)Harvey Mudd (1854) 0

2087655 1 0 Boston U. (3369)Boston U. (3369) 0

Match 7

2087646 1 0 U. Oklahoma (4772)U. Oklahoma (4772) 0

2087652 1 0 Princeton (8615)Princeton (8615) 0

Match 8

2087649 1 0 Indiana U. (8469)Indiana U. (8469) 0

Best of 1

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Match 9

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Match 10

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Match 11

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Match 12

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Best of 1

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Match 13

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Match 14

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Best of 1

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Match 15

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Best of 1

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