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Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

1109516 1 0 teamN2teamN2 00

1109520 1 0 encoredencored 10

1109521 1 0 team gajba puna pivateam gajba puna piva 00

1109514 1 0 fantističnih 5fantističnih 5 10

1109518 1 0 uncanny valleyuncanny valley 10

1109519 1 0 WartexWartex 00

1109517 1 0 Fresh catzFresh catz 10

1109515 1 0 iretixiretix 00

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1109520 1 1 encoredencored 10

1109514 1 1 fantističnih 5fantističnih 5 00

1109518 1 1 uncanny valleyuncanny valley 00

1109517 1 1 Fresh catzFresh catz 10

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1109520 1 2 encoredencored 10

1109517 1 2 Fresh catzFresh catz 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1109520 1 3 encoredencored -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1109514 4 0 fantističnih 5fantističnih 5 10

1109518 4 0 uncanny valleyuncanny valley 00

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1109514 4 1 fantističnih 5fantističnih 5 -