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GSL Abyssal City
Best of 3

753918 ProdidlyProdidly 0

Match 1

753904 PlimPlim 0

753911 NightVisionNightVision 0

Match 2

753916 KimTaekYongKimTaekYong 0

753908 YtseJamYtseJam 0

Match 3

753907 ZiggoffZiggoff 0

753906 PakmanPakman 0

Match 4

753909 ScribleScrible 0

GSL Bel'Shir Vestige
Best of 3

0 -

Match 5

0 -

0 -

Match 6

0 -

GSL Whirlwind
Best of 3

0 -

Match 7

0 -

Best of 1

0 -