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Best of 1

188407 ParadigmParadigm 0

188409 eLusiveeLusive 1

188413 MediocreMediocre 0

188408 PolarityPolarity 1

188414 Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting 1

188411 cynistercynister 0

188412 Runnin' KrewRunnin' Krew 0

188410 pq?pq? 1

Best of 1

188409 eLusiveeLusive 0

188408 PolarityPolarity 1

188414 Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting 1

188410 pq?pq? 0

Best of 1

188408 PolarityPolarity 1

188414 Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting Moby Dick and His Seamen on the Poop Deck Hunting 0

Best of 1

188408 PolarityPolarity -