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FRR - Viking - Lance Tournament

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Best of 1

1408874 1 0 Germany Mechanized HussarsMechanized Hussars 00

1404585 1 0 Finland IVth Y.M.C.AIVth Y.M.C.A 10

1410251 1 0 United States ISEN / JarlsguardISEN / Jarlsguard 10

1425821 1 0 Finland Sgt HelmetSgt Helmet 00

1429909 1 0 Germany DoktorTotenkopfDoktorTotenkopf 10

1408870 1 0 United States Skjaldborg / IkeSkjaldborg / Ike 00

1419205 1 0 Germany DC / Verteidiger des TeppichsDC / Verteidiger des Teppichs 00

1406744 1 0 United States Skjaldborg / howeSkjaldborg / howe 10

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1404585 1 1 Finland IVth Y.M.C.AIVth Y.M.C.A 00

1410251 1 1 United States ISEN / JarlsguardISEN / Jarlsguard 10

1429909 1 1 Germany DoktorTotenkopfDoktorTotenkopf 10

1406744 1 1 United States Skjaldborg / howeSkjaldborg / howe 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1410251 1 2 United States ISEN / JarlsguardISEN / Jarlsguard 10

1429909 1 2 Germany DoktorTotenkopfDoktorTotenkopf 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1410251 1 3 United States ISEN / JarlsguardISEN / Jarlsguard -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1404585 4 0 Finland IVth Y.M.C.AIVth Y.M.C.A 10

1406744 4 0 United States Skjaldborg / howeSkjaldborg / howe 00

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1404585 4 1 Finland IVth Y.M.C.AIVth Y.M.C.A -

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