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League of LegendsWorld of Pro Gaming Cup #4

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Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
29.06.2014 15:00

1683980 1 0 Its Rabbit Seasonthe øne123Its Rabbit Season 10

1736187 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1684148 1 0 Germany GartenhüttenGangSn00pieGartenhüttenGang 00

1683217 1 0 Germany LynchLawGamingUther66LynchLawGaming 10

1736188 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1717539 1 0 Sweden inForced VindicatorsINF HachikoinForced Vindicators 10

1736189 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1734635 1 0 Germany Supa Ugly CrewMecha KházixSupa Ugly Crew 10

1736190 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1702468 1 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina Riders of ValkyrieDVDBozZRiders of Valkyrie 10

1736191 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1732412 1 0 Germany LegendShinLegendShinLegendShin 10

1736192 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1696435 1 0 Germany Don´t be afraidxDBAx p4inskizzDon´t be afraid 10

1736193 1 0 FreeWinFreeWin 00

1717433 1 0 Sweden inForced BearsINF HachikoinForced Bears 10

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
29.06.2014 16:00

Spoiler Free 1683980 1 1 Its Rabbit Seasonthe øne123Its Rabbit Season 00

1683217 1 1 Germany LynchLawGamingUther66LynchLawGaming 10

1717539 1 1 Sweden inForced VindicatorsINF HachikoinForced Vindicators 00

Match 10
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1734635 1 1 Germany Supa Ugly CrewMecha KházixSupa Ugly Crew 10

1702468 1 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina Riders of ValkyrieDVDBozZRiders of Valkyrie 00

Match 11
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1732412 1 1 Germany LegendShinLegendShinLegendShin 10

1696435 1 1 Germany Don´t be afraidxDBAx p4inskizzDon´t be afraid 10

Match 12
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1717433 1 1 Sweden inForced BearsINF HachikoinForced Bears 00

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
29.06.2014 17:00

Spoiler Free 1683217 1 2 Germany LynchLawGamingUther66LynchLawGaming 00

Match 13
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1734635 1 2 Germany Supa Ugly CrewMecha KházixSupa Ugly Crew 10

1732412 1 2 Germany LegendShinLegendShinLegendShin 10

Match 14
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1696435 1 2 Germany Don´t be afraidxDBAx p4inskizzDon´t be afraid 00

Summoner's Rift
Best of 3
29.06.2014 18:30

Spoiler Free 1734635 1 3 Germany Supa Ugly CrewMecha KházixSupa Ugly Crew 20

Match 15
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1732412 1 3 Germany LegendShinLegendShinLegendShin 00

Best of 1

Spoiler Free 1734635 1 4 Germany Supa Ugly CrewMecha KházixSupa Ugly Crew -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1683217 4 0 Germany LynchLawGamingUther66LynchLawGaming 10

Match 16
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1696435 4 0 Germany Don´t be afraidxDBAx p4inskizzDon´t be afraid 00

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1683217 4 1 Germany LynchLawGamingUther66LynchLawGaming -

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