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League of LegendsN1FLeague West LoLHUN Cup #2

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Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
2014.01.21 18:10(CET)

1433812 Hungary anamyizjeanamyizjeanamyizje 0

1433799 Hungary easternpapaeasternpapaeasternpapa 1

1433844 Hungary EssenciapaiN DeviLPwNEssencia 1

1433839 Hungary PromeritumEnailePromeritum 0

1433835 Hungary MentsvarWiSDOM MentsvarMentsvar 0

1433845 Hungary LETUSgellerLETUS 1

1433834 Hungary CUhigheazyCUhigheazyCUhigheazy 1

1433846 Hungary seymourduncanseymourduncanseymourduncan 0

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
2014.01.21 18:50(CET)

1433799 Hungary easternpapaeasternpapaeasternpapa 0

1433844 Hungary EssenciapaiN DeviLPwNEssencia 1

1433845 Hungary LETUSgellerLETUS 1

1433834 Hungary CUhigheazyCUhigheazyCUhigheazy 0

Summoner's Rift
Best of 1
2014.01.21 19:40(CET)

1433844 Hungary EssenciapaiN DeviLPwNEssencia 0

1433845 Hungary LETUSgellerLETUS 1

Best of 1

1433845 Hungary LETUSgellerLETUS -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

1433799 Hungary easternpapaeasternpapaeasternpapa 0

Match 8

1433834 Hungary CUhigheazyCUhigheazyCUhigheazy 0

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

0 -

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