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StarCraft 2CFT

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Best of 1

2409468 KzGKzG 0

2409477 WzvodWzvod 1

2409478 ЛэйвитЛэйвит 0

2409479 ImpenImpen 1

2409480 NightVisionNightVision 0

2409481 AlenaAlena 1

2409482 ЕрихонЕрихон 0

2409483 DreamTeamDreamTeam 1

2409484 ПрО100Пр0ооПрО100Пр0оо 0

2409485 PrerogativePrerogative 1

2409486 ЧеЧе 1

2409469 9-грамм9-грамм 0

2409487 WiFiWiFi 0

2409488 КартошенькаКартошенька 1

2409489 ExpagExpag 0

2409490 MalavitaMalavita 1

2409491 KAINEKAINE 0

2409492 WildSkillWildSkill 1

2409493 ImveImve 1

Match 10
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2409494 BraveBrave 0

2409495 JustSkillJustSkill 1

Match 11
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2409496 -- 0

2409470 JeremiahJeremiah 1

Match 12
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2409497 -- 0

2409498 QFRSQFRS 1

Match 13
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2409499 -- 0

2409471 ShaolinShaolin 1

Match 14
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2409472 -- 0

2409473 TeamTeam 1

Match 15
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2409474 -- 0

2409475 TheMyParTyTheMyParTy 1

Match 16
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2409476 -- 0

Best of 1

2409477 WzvodWzvod 1

Match 17
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2409479 ImpenImpen 0

2409481 AlenaAlena 0

Match 18
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2409483 DreamTeamDreamTeam 1

2409485 PrerogativePrerogative 1

Match 19
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2409486 ЧеЧе 0

2409488 КартошенькаКартошенька 0

Match 20
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2409490 MalavitaMalavita 1

2409492 WildSkillWildSkill 1

Match 21
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2409493 ImveImve 0

2409495 JustSkillJustSkill 0

Match 22
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2409470 JeremiahJeremiah 1

2409498 QFRSQFRS 1

Match 23
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2409471 ShaolinShaolin 0

2409473 TeamTeam 1

Match 24
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2409475 TheMyParTyTheMyParTy 0

Best of 1

2409477 WzvodWzvod 0

Match 25
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2409483 DreamTeamDreamTeam 1

2409485 PrerogativePrerogative 0

Match 26
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2409490 MalavitaMalavita 1

2409492 WildSkillWildSkill 0

Match 27
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2409470 JeremiahJeremiah 1

2409498 QFRSQFRS 1

Match 28
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2409473 TeamTeam 0

Best of 1

2409483 DreamTeamDreamTeam 1

Match 29
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2409490 MalavitaMalavita 0

2409470 JeremiahJeremiah 1

Match 30
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2409498 QFRSQFRS 0

Best of 1

2409483 DreamTeamDreamTeam 0

Match 31
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2409470 JeremiahJeremiah 1

Best of 1

2409470 JeremiahJeremiah -

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